In today's fast-paced world, everyone is looking for smart ways to earn extra income. Some are involving themselves with freelance work and other side hustles. If you have a vehicle sitting idly in your home or garage, then you can rent out your vehicle to start earning too.



With Travel Kendra, you can rent your vehicle and start earning in no time. People who are renting their vehicles with Travel Kendra are already earning some cash.


Rent Your Vehicle & Start Earning With Travel Kendra


Why Choose Travel Kendra?



Travel Kendra is the largest online vehicle platform in Nepal, providing vehicle rental services to its customers. Whether you have a car, SUV, micro, or even a bus, Travel Kendra provides an easy, secure, and profitable way to rent it out. Here’s why you should consider renting out your vehicle on Travel Kendra:



Flexible Earning Potential: You can rent out your vehicle daily, weekly, or monthly. Travel Kendra offers flexible options to suit your schedule, so that you can earn money when you are available.



Wide Audience Reach: Travel Kendra has their own website, mobile application, and marketing team, which ensures that your listing reaches potential renters efficiently. This multi-platform approach allows you to connect with more customers and maximize your earning potential.



User-Friendly Platform: The Travel Kendra platform is very easy to access and use. You can list your vehicle, verify your details, and start earning.



Support and Assistance: If you have any issues, you can contact our customer support representatives, who are always there to answer your query.



How Much Can I Earn With Travel Kendra?



Earnings depend on various factors, such as the type of vehicle, its condition, your location, and how competitively you price your rental. If you have queries regarding earnings, you can contact the customer support representative.



How To Rent Your Vehicle?



Renting your vehicle at Travel Kendra is very easy. You just have to register an account in the Travel Kendra app. After you have successfully created an account, you must update your profile and get it verified. After successful verification, you can start earning.



If you have any other queries, you can contact Travel Kendra on 015970469, 9801640305, or 9844848989 (WhatsApp).